Anaesthesia Associates Ltd provides administrative services to 73 Christchurch anaesthetists who between them provide anaesthesia services for all types of surgery. Our offices are located at 11 Caledonian Road, just behind Southern Cross Hospital and are open from 8.30 am to 5.00pm. You may also telephone us on 03 365 3777.
Anaesthetists are not usually present at the offices as they are working in operating theatre but if you need to contact your anaesthetist please feel free to ring us and we will be able to pass on a message. Please note that not all anaesthetists in Christchurch use Anaesthesia Associates Ltd.
Your Anaesthetist
Your anaesthetist is a highly trained medical doctor who has spent at least five years undergoing special training and examinations before being registered to practice as a specialist in anaesthesia. Your anaesthetist’s job is to make you insensitive to pain during surgery, to supervise your recovery from anaesthesia, and to ensure you are comfortable afterwards. Your anaesthetist will stay with you at all times and will carefully monitor the way your body responds to the stress it will encounter during your surgery.
Please use the browse function above to see more about your anaesthetist.
Your health and your anaesthetic
Your surgeon or hospital will send you a health check list sheet to be completed prior to your operation. Please fill this in as fully and honestly as you can. Please include names of all drugs and their doses. Please bring any medicines including inhalers and CPAP machines with you to hospital. Please ensure you have sufficient of your regular medications for your recovery period at home after your surgery.
For more information on having an anaesthetic please see these pages on the New Zealand Society of Anaesthetists (NZSA) website or the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA)
Paying your account
Anaesthetists represented by Anaesthesia Associates Ltd are in Private Practice, which means that they charge a fee for each anaesthetic service they provide. We do have some direct billing arrangements with the private hospitals for some operations e.g. ACC funded operations and some Southern Cross Insurance funded cases. If you are responsible for payment of your anaesthetic fee then you will receive an account shortly after your surgery. If you have not received an account and you believe you should have, or have received an account and don’t believe you should have, please ring us so we can check.
What to do when you receive your account
If you have any queries please contact us on 03 365 3777.
Health Insurance Covered Cases: when you receive your anaesthetic account you should forward it with your claim form to your health insurer. The health insurer will usually pay your anaesthetist directly and will let you know how much has been paid to your anaesthetist. If your health insurance does not provide full coverage you should pay the outstanding amount using one of the methods below.
Self funded surgery: If you are paying for your anaesthetic yourself, you will receive an account that should be paid by the due date shown using one of the methods below.
How to pay your account
Direct Credit: You may make a direct payment by Internet banking to our BNZ account
02 0800 0451360 02. Please include the account number as your reference.
Credit Card/ EFTPOS: We have facilities for credit card and EFTPOS in the office so you may pay in person. Credit card payments may also be made by telephone.
Our rooms are unable to accept cash payments.
If you would like to give feedback – either a compliment or constructive criticism to the anaesthetist who looked after you, please complete the form below.
Anaesthesia Associates Ltd is located just behind Southern Cross Hospital.
Our street address is:
11 Caledonian Road
Our postal address is:
PO Box 4636
Christchurch 8140
Telephone: 03 365 3777
Fax: 03 365 1448